De Stand van Zaken op het Project 2012
Hier kunt u de laatste onwikkelingen volgen van het in aanbouw zijnde project. Het materiaal is gesorteerd met de laatste aanvullingen bovenaan.
17 Nov 2012, Wk46
California Team 2012 California team 2012 painting job
This week we are having the California Team over from the USA.
They are painting some dormitory rooms and set a new quality standard for us!
Meanwhile our boys are continuing to finish the outside of the boys dorm…
and also the staff houses are being completed…
Meanwhile we are also working on the plastering of the school-block as you can see above and also the work on the security office is ongoing.
All together a LOT of work that is going on!
We thank God who is sustaing all this and of cause also YOU who is making the donations that make us able to continue the work.
Thank you very much!
�23 Oct 2012, Wk43
This week the work goes on at the Staff Quarters. We are building the last of 3 blocks of simple, small rooms. Each holds just one bed and a chair, just enough for one person to sleep.
And we have also started the work on the GateKeepers Office:
And the work on the 2nd block of the primary school is nearing completion…
And at this time we have Piet & Rianne Zeldenrust at work on the teeth of the children and staff.
Piet & Rianne Zeldenrust tackling dental challenges in Tororo, Uganda
Piet is practicing dentist in Hoofddorp, The Netherlands. His daughter Rianne is a dental student. Besides that Piet is the husband to our chaiman in Holland, he comes at least once a year to help the children of Kimbilio Children’s Village with some simple equipment he brought over from Holland.
15 Sep 2012, Wk37
Bit by bit a LOT of work has just continued eventhough we have not reported much from week to week.
The small door on top leads to the underground generator bunker. We have started on the installation of our 1st of two small diesel generators. Each should generate 6KVA and at a later time each will be used to charge the batteries that power the inverter. The inverter is used becouse the powersupply in East Africa is very un-reliable. (to say the least)
The road you see here left is an intertnal road that will lead from the dormitories via Jacobs House to the staff quarters back to the behind gate, jointing the internal road again. This is making the staff quarters accessable to the lorry and other vehickles as we are now seriousely beginning to work on staff housing there.
As you can see below, we have added some more rooms at what we used to call “Aggrey’s place” .
And we are adding some 4 more rooms to it Will Gayle, Magnus Bieneck, Christiane Carrle with lots of friends!as we need them badly with the growing of the team.
In the meantime, we have received 3 volunteers at the children’s village.�
They are (from left to right) Will Gayle (from the USA), Magnus Bieneck (Germany), Christiane Carrle (also from Germany).
Will is here till the end of the year and both untill April 2013.
I am sure they will find lots of useful things to do around the children’s village.
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And finally the work on our phase two of the primary school is moving ahead steadily. The men are now preparing the hollow bricks (maxpans) that form the ceilling and support layer for the next floor. I expect they will still be busy for a week before the concrete will be casted on top.
�21 Aug, 2012, week 34 AirPics from Osia Mountain
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Notice how well you can see the fencing!
30 Jun 2012, Week 26 (wk 9 of proj PS1b)
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The 2nd part of our school-building is taking shape and Grace checks out where her office will be.
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And when the builders are not all able to work at the school, some continue to work on the dining-room. Also the work on the fabrication of cement products like the louvres and pavement bricks continue…
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23 Jun 2012, Rien-Nov-2011.jpg
Rien de Braal, a long time trusted friend and brother of the Kimbilio Family, has died this day.
You can find many pictures of Rien on this site as he has been our friend even before Kimilio land was bought.
We know him as a person with a Heart For Children.
He will be greatly missed by his Kimbilio Family!
Rien has left behind his two sisters in Holland.
16 Jun 2012, week 24 (which is week 7 of proj PS1b)
Mitsubishi MT180D Tractor with Falcon Locust L100 Mower
Our brand-new Mutshibishi MT180D tractor fitted with Falcon Locust L100 mower. Operated by our Alfred 😉
Mutshibishi T180D at , Tororo� Falcon Mower (slasher) L100 Locust made in South Africa
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�Windows-2012 no operating system though…
But the work on our school building has also progressed nicely. The workers are now setting and casting about 4 columns per day.
In the meantim, the metal-fabricators are preparing the windows to be fitted in the school.
09 Jun, 2012�� Week 24� (week 7 of project PS1b)
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At the end of the day the complete floor was ready.
In the meantime another crew has been working on the completion of the fence.
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Give it another 2 weeks and the compound will be completely secured.
06 Jun, 2012 Week 23 (week 6 of project PS1b)
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28th May, 2012 Week22 (Week5 of project phase 2 of KIMBILIO Primary School)
�Country Director Cor Koelewijn discusses the plans with Foreman Fredrick Kiisa.
Project Director discusses with Forman Kiisa Fredrick.
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�5th May, 2012 Week 17,���� (1st week of Project PS2a)
1st week of PS2a
�Foreman Fredrick Kissa has taken the 1st week to tie al the metal bars into the required mash and at the end of this week he sets thefeet of the columns ready forMonday when we shall be casting the concrete.
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